Home Remedies for Bad Breath
Bad breath or foul breath is a serious problem. This health condition is a matter of shame for someone facing it. It can shake someone’s confidence completely. The person facing this issue avoids interacting with others and avoids sitting closely. This is a suffocating problem. I faced this situation too, so, I decided to share some effective home remedies to eliminate bad breath.
Diagnosing Bad Breath
Diagnosing this health condition is also a challenging thing. It’s not an easy job to detect your breath, much less evaluate its scent. Some people, although having perfectly neutral breath, are sure they have foul breath. On the other hand, some people have this problem of bad breath and they don’t know it.
You can simply smell your palm by breathing on it, if this doesn’t work for you should approach someone who can give you an honest answer without judging you. You can also visit dentists to get yourself diagnosed as they have a device that can chemicals in the mouth producing bad breath.
Origin of Bad Breath
Medically bad breath or foul breath is called Halitosis. Bad oral hygiene practices can bring it on and may indicate underlying health issues. Foods you eat and other poor lifestyle choices can also exacerbate bad breath. Since germs are always present in the mouth, bad breath usually starts there. Food fragments become stuck in your teeth as you chew. As bacteria flourish on these food scraps, sulfur compounds with an unpleasant odor are released.
It is commonly caused by poor oral hygiene but the truth is that many aspects cause bad breath. Food like onions and garlic more commonly leads to bad breath. The process of digestion also causes bad breath from these foods. If you don’t take care of your dental hygiene  A thin layer of bacteria known as plaque accumulates on your teeth allowing the germs in your mouth to grow causing bad breath. Tooth decay is another unpleasant process that is brought on by plaque, which emits an unpleasant odor.
Although dental hygiene is the main cause of bad breath, there are many other origins of its cause. It may be caused due to junk foods, improper digestion, an empty stomach, a dry mouth, and much more. Dieters also face this issue as they don’t eat which starts the process of burning fat. The process releases chemicals that can give your breath an unpleasant odor.
Home Remedies
For this embarrassing situation, you can take professional advice from a dentist. You can also overcome this situation by following these simple and effective home remedies for bad breath.
Oral Hygiene
I have to stress again how crucial dental care is to upholding proper hygiene, even at the risk of sounding like your dentist. Maintaining good dental health and preventing bad breath can be achieved by brushing and flossing your teeth. Hygiene is the key to fighting bad breath. Most of the people overlook it. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. This helps reduce bacteria causing bad odor in your mouth. Regularly cleaning your teeth also prevents cavities and reduces bacteria-causing plaque. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride-containing toothpastes or you can brush your teeth right after taking a meal.
Food particles that a toothbrush cannot reach between teeth can be removed by flossing. Bad breath will result from bacteria feeding on the food residue if it isn’t cleared away.
Miswak is an antibacterial natural toothbrush, that reduces plaques. It also eliminates bad breath. Unlike many toothbrushes, miswak does not damage your gums.
Stay Hydrated
Water is essential for human body functions, and the standard recommendation is to consume six to eight glasses of water daily. Water not only helps your body stay hydrated, but it also relieves bad breath. Drinking more water than usual is also a well-known home remedy against bad breath. It also helps your stomach work properly.
A common home cure for bad breath is parsley. Given its strong chlorophyll content and fresh aroma, it may have deodorizing properties. Parsley is powerful against sulfur compounds that cause bad breath.
Avoid Unhealthy Food
Everything you eat enters your bloodstream and is subsequently released when you breathe and talk. Among the worst culprits are spicier foods and substances like onions, garlic, and other hot foods. To clear your mouth of garbage, increase your intake of veggies and herbs like celery, carrots, and parsley, which have a greater water content.
Saltwater Gargle
It is also an effective home remedy to maintain a healthy oral environment. Mouthwash with salt water inhibits the growth of bacteria and lessens plaque and irritation. This lowers the risk of illness and the development of cavities, gum disease, bad breath, sore throats, and bad breath.
Apple Cider
Apple Cider is also an effective home remedy for bad breath. In addition to its many other uses, apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties and works well as a homemade mouthwash. It has a strong taste and stops germs that cause odors from growing and spreading.
Cloves, like apple cider vinegar, have antibacterial qualities that aid in the fight against germs that produce bad breath and cause odors. The cloves are used in two ways to treat bad breath. You may create a clove tea rinse or just chew on entire cloves.
Making clove tea is easier than you thought, just boil the water and add one teaspoon of ground cloves and it is ready.
The home remedies mentioned above are helpful but I strongly recommend taking professional advice for this thing. In my case, this situation arose due to eating unhealthy food. Unhealthy foods like spicy meals and junk food destroy the digestion process and cause bad breath. Avoid unhealthy foods to live a good life. I hope you all will find this article helpful. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments section. You can also read our article on a healthy diet plan.