Body Positivity: Achieving Balance

Body Positivity: Achieving Balance

Blog Health & Fitness

Body Positivity: Achieving Balance. The concept of body positivity has gained significant traction, and rightfully so. What exactly does it mean to be body-positive? It is a movement that promotes self-love, acceptance, and appreciation for all body types, sizes, and abilities. Isn’t this what we all want: to love ourselves, give ourselves grace, and be grateful for what our bodies can do? At first look, this movement seems both desirable and essential. However, as with any movement, it is critical to maintain a balance and avoid falling into the trap of extremes. In this post, we’ll look at how alternating between “weight focus” and “weight balance” might help us reach full body harmony.

Ditches of Extreme

At one extreme, a focus on body weight is exacerbated by the pressure to conform to society’s narrow beauty standards. From airbrushed magazine covers to flawless social media #fitfluencers, we’re inundated with images of unattainable and unrealistic “perfection” at every turn. This constant barrage of unreasonable ideals can cause feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and even disordered eating habits. Obsession with idealistic norms may harm physical and mental health.

Conversely, we see the promotion of unhealthy habits under the guise of body positivity. This can be a misapplication of the “health at every size” rhetoric, which minimizes the importance of healthy lifestyle choices under the guise of body acceptance. While embracing diversity and challenging harmful stereotypes is critical, a body of literature also links disease risk to excess adiposity. While it may appear contradictory, acknowledging obesity and its associated health risks does not necessarily contradict the principles of body positivity. Body positivity promotes self-acceptance and love, regardless of body size or shape. It is about recognizing that all bodies have value and must be treated with respect and decency.

Furthermore, obesity, like other health conditions, can have negative consequences for one’s health. Ignoring or downplaying these risks can have negative consequences. Promoting body positivity should not imply denying or ignoring the potential health consequences of obesity.

Consider taking a more holistic approach to health, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being. So, how do you find balance among these extremes? It starts with changing your perspective from comparison and judgment to compassion and self-care. Consider how your body feels and what it is capable of rather than how it compares to others. Celebrate your body’s strength, resilience, and growth potential, prioritize nourishing yourself with nutritious foods, stay active in ways that make you happy, and engage in self-care rituals that honor your body and mind.

Walking towards the Harmonious Middle.

Navigating the middle ground between weight-centric and weight-neutrality is difficult, and each person’s journey will be unique. Each individual will have their own “leanings” and perspectives on how they intend to achieve their goals. That’s okay. As your journey begins (or continues), consider the following steps for calibrating your compass using the acronym I.N.S.P.I.R.E.

Walking towards the Harmonious Middle

I = Ignore Extremes: Consider your “why” and try to find compassionate, important, and relevant reasons for engaging in the most comfortable behaviors.

N = There is no single right answer: What is right for your partner, colleague, or neighbor may not be right for you.

S = Set boundaries: Limit exposure to media and social media content that promotes unrealistic beauty standards or triggers negative thoughts. Instead, surround yourself with supportive friends, family, and communities that value diversity and encourage body positivity.

P = Practice self-compassion:  Take time to consider your thoughts and feelings about your body. Observe any negative self-talk or harmful beliefs that emerge. Challenge unrealistic beauty standards by asking where they came from and how they affect your self-image. Speak to yourself as you would a friend!

I = Illuminate your plate: Choose nutritious foods to fuel your body and improve your overall health. Aim for a balanced diet that includes vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fruits, and healthy fats. Listen to your physique’s hunger and fullness signals. Eat carefully, relishing each meal, and stop when full.

R = Reach out for help. If you’re struggling with body image or disordered eating, talk to a therapist, counselor, or healthcare professional. You may also work with a certified health coach, registered dietitian, or exercise professional who can offer personalized advice and support on your path to better health and wellness.

E = Enjoy movement: Choose physical activities that make you feel good. Choose activities that make you happy and fulfilled, such as dancing, hiking, yoga, swimming, or any other physical activity. Change your mindset from viewing exercise as a way to change your body to seeing exercise as a way to honor and care for your body.

Final Thoughts

Above all, achieving harmony with your body demands love, patience, and self-compassion. It’s a process of self-discovery and self-acceptance that develops over time. Together, let’s challenge both extremes of this discussion and strive to create a world where each unique method of self-care is honored because it is ours alone.

For more on this topic, read 5 Tips for Raising Body Image, where you’ll find useful techniques you can practice immediately, starting on the inside and culminating with loving who you are.

Health & Fitness

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